Additional Rescue Forms

ABARS Release Agreement-Used by rescue volunteers when getting a dog out of a shelter, shelter official and rescue volunteer must both sign.

ABA Adoption ContractThis form must be completed and signed at the time of adoption of a dog offered through the American Bullmastiff Association Rescue Service

Surrender ApplicationComplete this form if you cannot keep your Bullmastiff. Please also complete the dog profile form as well.

Dog Profile FormIf you are considering surrendering your Bullmastiff, please fill out this form and submit to ABARS

Home Visit ReportThis form is for Rescue Volunteers making home visits.

Rescue Volunteer Application -If you can volunteer by fostering, identifying, or transporting dogs in need, please fill out and e-mail the rescue volunteer application to Virginia Rowland at: We are always looking for new volunteers to join the American Bullmastiff Association Rescue family.