The National Specialty

The 2021 American Bullmastiff Association National Specialty
WHEN: September 20th – September 25th, 2021
WHERE: Asheville, North Carolina
Host Hotel
Crown Plaza Resort
1 Resort Dr., Asheville NC 28806
(828)285-2603 (when calling, mention the group name American Bullmastiff National Specialty to make reservations)
Reservations can also be made through their website using this link:
Tentative Schedule
Monday, September 20th
Morning: Agility on site. Judge TBA
Sweepstakes: Jamie Clute
Regular Classes: Judith Ann Smith
Tuesday, September 21st
Morning: Obed/Rally Judge TBA
Sweepstakes: Katie Martin
Regular Classes: Mr John Reeve-Newson
Wednesday, September 22nd
Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes
Judge: Connie Urbanski
Triathlon: TBA
H&R Seminar
Breeders Education Seminar
Thursday, September 23rd
Judges Education
Futurity: Robin Dowding
National Judge: Ms. Kimberly Anne Meredith
Class Dogs & Veteran Dogs
Top 25
Friday, September 24th
4-6 Month Puppy
Class Bitches & Veteran Bitches
ABA Annual Meeting
Parade of Rescue, Veterans & Title Holders
Silent Auction, Art Auction & Dinner
Saturday, September 25th
Junior Showmanship
Best of Breed
Farewell Party
ShowDogVideoPros Irvin B. Krukencamp, MD
2639 Pocolmas Court. Las Cruces, New Mexico 98011
(207) 200-3837
The professional video services and live streaming at this show are governed by an exclusive video contract with the Club. No other commercial video recording, video recording from a tripod, monopod or other supported camera/device, or any video recording or streaming of large parts or whole classes shall be permitted. The contract terms permit individuals to record small bits of video of their own dogs only, and using handheld devices only (e.g. phone, tablet or small camcorder). Individuals may post recorded videos of their own dogs to social media (Facebook, YouTube, etc).
However, during show hours LIVE Broadcast Streaming to social media (e.g., Facebook Live) is not permitted. Submission of an entry form and/or physical presence on the show grounds shall constitute both implied and real consent for both the handler and the dog to be professionally video recorded and streamed live only by the professional video services as contracted by the Club for this show.
All rights to video record and live stream or otherwise exploit this event and/or the persons or animals participating in it, including the names, likenesses and biographical matter of dogs, owners, handlers, breeders and kennels participating in the event shall belong solely to the show giving Club and/or the American Kennel Club, Inc. No spectator, participant, owner, handler, breeder or kennel shall make commercial use of any video recordings of any person or animal participating in this event without prior written approval from the Club. This event may not be broadcast to social media (e.g. Facebook Live, etc) without prior written approval from the Club.
Official National
Specialty Merch
Get your hands on the latest t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleece, activewear + more from The ABA’s National Specialty merchandise & memorabilia shop.